A Free Livestream Platform  The Elohim have asked for this FREE livestream platform to further their assistance, information and activations on a regular basis.  They see this as an important outreach to help others accelerate in their awakening.    These will be live channels from the Elohim to develop and expand the living quantum field they created (along with the beautiful assistance of the many Galactics working with them) around the Earth, as they would love to bring that information, as well as the leaps forward in evolution, to you.  These sessions will also allow for Q&A sessions, giving you the chance to ask direct questions to the Elohim as well as to the channel, David.  To go to and subscribe to this Channel please click below
Quantum Stillness Clarifier (Quantum Generator) As part of the project the Elohim initiated, to create a quantum field around the Earth, they downloaded the design and operating principles of the Quantum Stillness Clarifier (QSC) to be built and activated. As its name suggests, the QSC creates a powerful quantum still point. During channeling, the Elohim have been very specific that the most powerful still-point is located within the sacred heart centre. As well as being a powerful entrance point for a newly developed earth quantum field, the QSC, amoung many other attributes, very powerfully helps you to bridge to your own inner still-point and the source field within. As requested by the Elohim, the QSC is now available for those who feel a heart-felt draw to having their own. This is synchronous with the Elohim’s wish for others to join in the live-stream meditations and activations above, that the Elohim wish to bring forward, to further expand the field they created and to assist humanity and the Earth in adanced energetic evolution.
…The connection that David has with Gaia and the whole universe is just amazing. The love that he transmits .....is beyond everything I have felt. Eulaia, Mexico
…After following David’s meditations, which were a part of the Stargate meditation intensives, I started being able to call in the energy of the Quantum Field Clarifier devices and was amazed that I could physically feel an intensification of the energy when I simply thought about it. With his last activation series activating the Crystaline Grid around our planet and solar system, suddenly the energies became very strong and started radiating out of my body in every direction. Everywhere I went it felt like a huge light was coming through my body to radiate to everyone I saw. I feel like I am consciously connected to my higher self!!! This is the second day it has continued….I feel really blessed to have discovered these meditations. Jana MA CCH, USA
I AM Deeply Moved By Your Team And how you Bring them through, so Humorously, Humbly and Powerfully. Your explanation on Stillness was Very Profound and yet. Simple. And I have Seen, Heard Many channels over the years. In Deep Gratitude and Humility. Dana USA
The Elohim  The Elohim introduce themselves, on many occasions as designers, architects and creators of realities and universes.  This, they say, is one of the creationary purposes that the Creator, or Source Intelligence, brought them into being for.    They are a vast expanse of conciousness and presence that transcends the structural, and even dimensional, properties that underlie the make up of our universe and experiential existence.  They are the keepers and shapers of the keys to the fundamental foundations of experiential realities and realms.
Elohim Quantum Creations
Elohim Live-Stream
Elohim Quantum Creations is operated as part of ISEE Innovations LLC Contact Us Disclaimer: All of the work, information, techniques, ideas, concepts, solutions and products presented here in this entire website, and in all (ISEE Innovations LLC) literature, are expressly the views and perspectives of (ISEE Innovations LLC) only. They are not, and have not been, endorsed, evaluated, recognised or understood by any mainstream academic or medical body or institution and should only ever be taken as the view and philosophy of (ISEE Innovations LLC). None of what is presented here, including the innovations of (ISEE Innovations LLC), are intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease and an appropriate medical consultant should be used for such. Aspects relating to experiences with them are purely personal testimonials for helpfulness and not intended as a claim of performance verification. All of the (ISEE Innovations LLC) innovations are continually evolving. As such, (ISEE Innovations LLC) may make changes in the design, appearence and function of the systems without any prior notice.
Go to the Quantum Stillness Clarifier Page
About the Channel Dr. David Clements MMath, MASt, DPhil In my early days, I began as an artist, spending most of my time dreaming and imagining beyond the reality I was living in. Which later, after a door inside me opened, allowed me to develop a deep inuitive insight into the conscious quantum nature of reality. But before this fully opened, I was propelled into, and became, a professional theoretical physicist, working in string theory (a theory of subatomic particles and multi-dimensional spaces) as well as advanced theories of electromagnetism in some of the world’s leading and prestigous academic institutions such as Cambridge and Oxford Universities. I left this profession because the opening within had revealed to me a very different view of the living conscious nature of quantum reality, a far distance from the mathematical and structured world I had learnt to work in. My conscious awakening, and connection with the higher aspects of myself began just after the year 2000, when I learned to view remotely. From here, my intuition and energetic senses came alive in ways I never before imagined possible. From here, I began a deep journey, moving into, and becoming more heart centered. Unravelling the many layers of past and current life aspects within myself to gain more connection to the Creative Source field conciousnes of love and my whole Self. In doing so, I was given deeper insights into the workings of realities, as well as inspirations for innovations and ideas, that it is my heart felt joy to share with others. I joyfully work with many different races and Beings, but the Elohim are the overseers of the projects I develop and the main consciousness I work with.
Quantum Stillness Clarifier